Basil Panna Cotta and Green Tea Gelée
I had some extra cream lying around after my Chocolate Sauce, so when life hands you, er, cream, make Panna Cotta! I could have made Pavlova with my frozen egg whites, but that serves twelve and I didn't want another dessert overload. I improvised this recipe and thought, let's go with a cool white-green combo. So Green Tea Gelée it was.
I was afraid the green tea would taste bad because after I'd infused it, it smelled like RUBBER. I wanted to vomit. I smelled the tea bag to check if it was really supposed to be that way, or if I'd burned the tea (with boiling water?) or the green food coloring (can that happen with 90°C water?). Thankfully, it had no super-bitter taste. After it cooled down, though, it wasn't clear anymore, that was disappointing. I wanted a clear green jelly. The Panna Cotta overpowered the jelly; the green tea was undetectable. Oh well!