Oh Christmas Truth
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Sorry there's not a new food post, but I just finished my birthday cake, and I'm on a high as it incorporated a lot of new skills which turned out surprisingly well on my first try. I promise you'll be blown away after I throw my party. If you're not, you must be one of them "haterz." Anyway. This is today's newspaper, which was a few meters thick and had several "Special Project" inserts. Someone had the bright idea of producing a "Christmas Shopping 2007" feature with the subtitle "In the air there's that feeling of buying... and giving." How weird, non-catchy, and awkward. A feeling of buying and giving? I wasn't aware they were feelings.
However, the designer, who had an even brighter idea, took it upon himself to resize one of the photos on another page to a very hip overlapping of the top margin. And in the process, gave the feature a new subtitle, revealing an awful Christmas truth.
Yikes. I don't want to "feel" that way at all. Right now, Anton, Arunee, and I (that I know of) are thinking up clever ways to give our families gifts on the budget of an unemployed doctor. Who unsurprisingly enough earns about as much as an unemployed rooster (maybe the rooster earns even more, who knows?). I just finished baking 20 boxes of lemon squares for my mom for her to give away to her friends, and I don't even have a food processor/ electric citrus juicer. And I only have 4 8x8 pans. I wonder if that's enough? (Mom: "No.")